Advocating in Healthcare: Some Advice

As many of you are aware I have been a huge advocate of advocating for yourself when it comes to explaining your concerns and your experiences to me while you're in session with me so that I can better understand the context and the nature of the sensations you're feeling within your own body. This is not only an important tool during the #therapeutic process but I think it is a very important to exercise your ability to advocate for your own health. 

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 Some of your massage enthusiast out there have heard of #Rolfing. And for those of you that haven't let me give you a brief overview. Some of you have heard of perform if you're a regular client of mine and I've never heard of Rolfing and you're about to get an education as well.

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Tony SchwartzMassage, perform, rolfing
Good #Shoes Have These

Our feet are the first thing to touch the ground in the morning and the last things to leave the ground before we go to bed so they provide us with a great deal of service. One of the things that people who have foot issues will tell you is that they never knew how much work their feet really did in the entirety of their health. 

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Massage Guns Explained

There's been a lot made of massage guns over the last several years and hopefully this blog welcome up clarify some of the information that consumers are finding and not sure what to take away from it. Personal care devices are among some of the most confusing and misleading products on the market for the general consumer.

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Meditation Massage Sessions

Meditation massage has been around a few years and incorporates the best elements of mindfulness and bodywork. The therapist guides the meditation while doing the session and can include a change in music along with mild stretching poses.

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Choosing a 60 Minute or 90 minute #Massage Session

For those people who are new to massage or are thinking about changing up your massage routine or even for those individuals looking to buy a gift card for someone else here's a simple guide to choosing the difference between a one hour session and a 90 minute session.

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Tips for Falling Asleep When Your in Pain

Fine to sleep can be difficult enough with mental stress and other factors but when you train for sleep with pain or physical nature it really does pose a challenge even in the age of pharmaceuticals. Hopefully the following information might be helpful to you in deciding to try some alternative methods to find asleep in physical pain.

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Fall 2023 Newsletter
Tony Schwartz
What is the MOST Overrated Home Healthcare or Wellness Product You Have Ever Seen?

This is kind of a fun blog post and that it is a commentary on healthcare consumerism and the interest in psychology that has brought some products into favor and some that has faded rather quickly. When I talk about overrated I'm talking about products that have become exceptionally popular and their popularity does not seem to yield an equal amount of health in return.

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