For those people who are new to massage or are thinking about changing up your massage routine or even for those individuals looking to buy a gift card for someone else here's a simple guide to choosing the difference between a one hour session and a 90 minute session.
Read MoreWhen discussing the topic of aftercare I think it's always best to start from the standpoint of making sure you have time for the service that you want and the result you want from that service.
Read MoreA common question I get from people is what is the difference between stress induced muscular tension and physical muscle tension? This is coming up more and more as the COVID-19 pandemic winds down and people start to return to normal life. During the pandemic there was a great deal of changes to peoples physical routines and those manifested as working more from home so less physical activity going about their daily life or the stress of isolation or the stress which was much more common of being stuck at home with spouses or young children and having to try and help them conduct their lives away from teachers and daycare providers.
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