A Perspective on CPR

CPR is one of the most underutilized life-saving skills by the general public and with the advent of new technologies thought to be obsolete to some degree. From a instructor point of you who teaches CPR along with other critical life-saving skills it's important to realize that there are many moments where time is critical resources may be close by but if you leave them major metropolitan area help could be several minutes to several hours away which may make the difference between life and death. If you are to look at recent statistics it indicates that the recovery of an individual receiving CPR is less than 20%. It is a common mantra however in the CPR training community that 20% is better than zero which is what most people start with when they encounter someone who is in need of CPR. Statistics also point out that those needing CPR often times will start to recover a normal rhythm begin pumping blood on their own however this is not typically last very long and still doing CPR several times before help arrives may be necessary to save someone's life. This is an indication to many people that CPR is not an effective treatment. This indication as falls in that if you're starting from zero and you have the chance to save someone's life even if it's only a 20% chance isn't it worth the effort to do more than once it's no different than restarting a car and it doesn't turn over on the first try the key why wouldn't you try turning the key again in hopes of the car will remain running.

The average individual can learn CPR in its most rudimentary form as little as a few minutes with instructions from a 911 dispatcher for the help of an instructional aid. The quality of the CPR however may be very poor and may not work as well as fully trained in CPR. 

Tony SchwartzMassage, CPR, MPLS