Some of your massage enthusiast out there have heard of #Rolfing. And for those of you that haven't let me give you a brief overview. Some of you have heard of perform if you're a regular client of mine and I've never heard of Rolfing and you're about to get an education as well. So before we dive into deep let's set some context. Perform is a program designed by me to be used in my practice to help professional and amateur #athletes achieve the performance goals that they said for themselves in conjunction with personal trainers, doctors, conditioning coaches. By using a four step system done in order it's designed to enhance someone's performance. Rolfing is a system of body work that has one specific goal and that is to bring the body into a suggested alignment over a period of time. It is not specifically designed to enhance performance and it's essentially designed to get the body into a particular alignment.

So let's start with Rolfing, this modality of #bodywork is named for #IdaRolfing a turn of the 20th century visionary in the field of body mechanics. Her innovative concepts we find over decades created a 10 step process to bring the body into its natural evolution airy alignments from head to toe. By working in this 10 step system and individual also usually finds that other health conditions related to the mechanics of how their body works and a muscular and tissue level impacts organs as well and improves overall health and well-being. In my experience these body workers must get the necessary training from one of two schools in the #UnitedStates that teach this technique exclusively costing tens of thousands of dollars. These practitioners almost always practice the technique exclusively and demand that their clients come in for all of the sessions and pay for them in advance on a payment plan in order to keep them motivated to show up for each and every session. So this is not necessarily for the general public looking for a general massage this is for people who are seeking treatment of systemic body issues that they believe this technique can help with. I have had the pleasure on a number of occasions to interact with those who have completed the entire 10 session system and every single one of them no matter if it's been less than a year or over 20 years since they've completed the entire series have said it changed their life for the better and they have not regretted one minute or one dollar they spent and getting the work completed.

Now let's take a look at perform which is my system used to aid professional and amateur athletes to meet a specific performance goal. This program does not have a particular set number of appointments rather a step-by-step process so when one step is completed another can begin. It begins similarly to Rolfing and that it does require a diagnostic session to understand where your body is at the beginning. Once a diagnostic is completed will begin at four step process. Each step is designed to build on the last one and because of that it also gives us benchmarks to follow that can be observed not only by the therapist but also by the client. And does require the client to actively participate in the sessions in order to reach the next steps. When the perform sessions are completed we then have a diagnostic session once again to verify that the client cannot reach those specific performance goals. Sometimes this is past onto a conditioning coach or other individuals especially in the case of professional athletes. Along the way every precaution is taken to work safely and to prevent future injuries and the reoccurrence of past injuries.

Tony SchwartzMassage, perform, rolfing