You Should Consider Doing This After a Massage

For those of you that have received massage in the past you may already do this one simple thing to make the time after a massage more enjoyable and helpful. Many of you that I've never had a massage would say this seems obvious but not really too many people because they feel they're already relaxed or healing as a result of the session I don't think they need to do this but, they should. Some people say they don't have time to do this that they've already given enough time for themselves today and they don't need to do any more than that because they have more things to do they simply don't have a lifestyle in which they can do this one simple thing. What is it you ask? Taking a short nap. That's right short nap of 15 minutes can do wonders for a person after a massage session. If you don't think you can do that try 15 minutes of quiet meditation. Doing less than that doesn't yield much benefit and doing more than that has shown time and time again and studies that the body attempts to go into a full sleep cycle which then just rubs your body's ability to go back to a normal day and sleep that evening in a normal rhythm. Sleep not only helps to heal the mind but also the body.

Tony Schwartzmassage, mn, mpls, longfellow